The Word of the Week


O.S. Newton Season 4 Episode 5

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Definition: Dreams are mentioned in the Bible as a means of communication between God and humans.  Dreams may be symbolic or realistic and may divulge elements of the future or help us discover more about God.
Scriptures: Acts 2;17 “In the last days, God says I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams.”
Job 33: 15-17 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, He may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride”…

Welcome to the Word of the Week.  Weekly podcast to enhance your study of the Word of God.
I am your host Orine Newton.

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Definition: Dreams are mentioned in the Bible as a means of communication between God and humans.  Dreams may be symbolic or realistic and may divulge elements of the future or help us discover more about God.
Scriptures: Acts 2;17 “In the last days, God says I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams.”
Job 33: 15-17 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, He may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride”…

The spiritual universe that exists inside each of us is as amazing as the physical universe in which we live. The Word of God stresses the importance of our ability to communicate with our creator.  Two ways that God has chosen to communicate directly with us is through dreams and visions.   Dreams are categorized as visions of the night, received while an individual is asleep as discussed in Job 33:15-17.  Visions are a spiritual, often prophetic mental vision given to an individual while awake.  
Why do we dream?  Some say it is the way that we subconsciously process information that we struggle to understand during our waking lives.  The Bible suggests that the dream is how God communicates with each of us while helping us to understand, process and interpret the divine instructions given as we fulfill our individual purpose for existence. 
It is through our dreams that God allows us to subconsciously address or review the circumstances and substance of our worries, fears, anxiety and other emotional issues.  There are times, however, when God expressly uses our dreams to communicate and connect directly with us, as a way to instruct, guide, or teach us how to meet our objectives, conquer our obstacles and fulfill our divine purpose. 
I believe that while we are asleep is when God has the most uninterrupted opportunity to communicate with the spirit that dwells within us.  It is the most primitively, authentic, direct and essential communication tool that God has with man. Dreams existed as tools for connecting with God before the invention of the written word and the increase of dreams among his believers is prophesized be an indicator of end times as stated in Acts 2:17. Dreams are one of our most valuable yet untapped resources to the consciousness of God that exists within us.
I find it interesting that scientific studies have yet to conclude whether the quality or amount of sleep can control the number of dreams or dictate one’s ability to remember their dreams or determine whether the dream will be terrifying or insightful.  There is no scientific guide that can control, define nor dictate the predictability or reasonability of how this God-regulated communication actually works.  
It is also interesting that despite the lack of scientific evidence, and regardless of human limitations, the achievements of many human beings have proven that “dreams” can become reality through man’s divine connection to God’s supernatural power. But I wonder….Are we unknowingly or mistakenly limiting our access to our dreams?   • Are we negatively impacting the ability of God to communicate effectively with us through our dreams because we have chosen to be distracted by being blue-tooth or hard wired connected to our television, music app, baby monitor or game boy during the time when we are supposed to be sleeping?  
• Have the drugs, stress, or buildup of news negativity caused us to be incapable of “getting a dream through”? 
• How can we hear the still, small voice of God, if “Earth, Wind and Fire” is ringing in our ears or the blue light of the game console is subconsciously flooding and activating our brain with its information?
It is time that we realize that our dreams have more value than any other form of communication that we may have access to. Our dreams could be the key to finding the peace, power, and love we desire.  
Perhaps if we strive to create an environment that allows us to sleep so that we can dare to dream, God will show us how to change the world effectively and positively.

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